Defend the Maple View Legacy
Respect the Local Community and Rural Orange County
The County Opinion allows Union Grove Farm (UGF) to operate a distillery, a 2,500-seat amphitheater, and a Center for Regenerative Agriculture (formerly the Ag Center) under the bona fide farm/Agritourism definition. However, these items are on land placed under a Triangle Land Conservancy easement by the former owners of the property, Bob and Chris Nutter (the owners of Maple View Farm).
The County’s Opinion also allows a 2,000 sq ft pavilion and 10 casitas under the bona fide farm/Agritourism exemption.
The County’s Opinion adds that UGF’s request for a 40-room hotel with a restaurant, pool and bar, and a 1,000 sq ft event space would not fall under the farm exemption and is subject to county zoning. In the opinion, the county suggests a special use permit and/or certain types of conditional district zoning would be needed to move forward with these projects.
The community surrounding UGF has appealed the County’s Opinion only with respect to the amphitheater to the county’s Board of Adjustments. Community support is important at this hearing. We hope to see a strong turn-out at the hearing supporting the community and the Triangle Land Conservancy
The hearing is scheduled for:
Wednesday, March 12, 7 pm
The Whitted Bldg
300 W. Tryon, Hillsborough, NC
Hearings in front of the Board of Adjustments are quasi-judicial hearings; therefore, no public comment is allowed. Only persons with standing or persons/entities represented by attorneys are allowed to speak.
Recapping Points of Orange County's Opinion,
Board of Adjustments Hearing Information,
and Key Documents
Original Community Flyer and Documents